Classical harp virtuosa Mary Doumany and cult thereminist Miles Brown (The Night Terrors) present an exciting new experimental collaboration – The Narcoleptor. This fearless duo meld the soundworlds of their iconic instruments to conjure a stream-of-(un)consciousness orgy of swirling dream fragments and microtonal hypnotica.
Utilising the rare combination of voice, post-Celtic lever harp and Moog Etherwave Pro theremin, the duo warp all rules of consonance and harmony to explore a completely free and constantly shifting sonic landscape. The Narcoleptor presents a stunning psychotropic journey through the wonderfully weird, careening past sonic touchstones from horror soundtrack, dark ambient, circuit-bent psychedelia, modern classical focus and avant-goth catharsis.
MILES BROWN is Australia’s leading proponent of the theremin – the world’s oldest electronic instrument, and the only instrument that is played without being touched. A student of Russian theremin queen Lydia Kavina, Brown is best known for his work with Australian instrumental electronic act The Night Terrors, and has performed with legends such as Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, Goblin, Black Mountain, Mick Harvey, Alexander Hacke, Danielle de Picciotto, Marc Ribot and Bardo Pond.
Classical harpist MARY DOUMANY is renowned across multiple genres including jazz, contemporary, folk and experimental. She has performed with musical luminaries such as Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, David Hirschfelder, Burkhard Dallwitz, Philip Brophy, Slava Grigoryan, Joseph Tawadros, David Jones, Paul Grabowsky, Chad Wackerman, Tetsu Saitoh, Cat Hope, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Sydney Symphony Orchestra.